
瀏覽數量: 2565 作者: worldfolio 發佈時間: 來源: theworldfolio.com

國家建築技術控制中心 (CTC) 通過規範風險防範來提高阿爾及利亞建築行業的安全水平。

The National Technical Control of Construction Centre (CTC) of Algeria為確保質量和安全,阿爾及利亞的所有新建築項目都有法律義務讓 CTC 中心參與進來

To adequately cover the whole country, the national organisation is divided into five main territorial bases: North, South, East, West, and the more industrialised Centre, or ‘Chlef’ region. Each wilaya (territory) has at least one agency, with more offices in larger cities, such as Algiers which has five branches, to meet demand.

“We act like a quality control office, such as Bureau Veritas,” says Mohamed Cherif, CEO of the CTC Centre. “Our main mission is to control a project from upstream to downstream. First the project’s conception and design are looked at and then we give our quality stamp on the execution plan; these steps represent the study stage. The second phase is the implementation of the project. We intervene to check the work on site complies with the plans we approved.”

The CTC Centre has established an ISO 9001:2000-compliant quality management system, with a series of procedures designed to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained, with three objectives in mind: skills, technical level and credibility. Mr Cherif adds, “Our mission is just to control, not to follow: on-site inspection visits are done on an unannounced basis. Also we never select materials or teams on a building project. We arrive at the end and issue a certificate of compliance with reference to a legal and regulatory framework.”

阿爾及利亞的建築項目在法律上必須包括 CTC 中心’的參與,並且建築師和開發商必須購買至少 10 年的責任保險。

CTC 中心為公共當局提供寶貴的支持,特別是在地震或洪水等自然災害的情況下,它執行損害評估。根據組織’的指導原則,它管理土木工程固有的風險,並將建築故障和倒塌的風險降至最低。

“This is a fundamental and essential aspect of our intervention,” says Mr Cherif. “Algeria has an array of highly developed rules concerning the use of materials, particularly earthquake-resistant components. We follow and develop these regulations, as they are very important tools for supervisors.”

實際上,CTC 中心擁有由 30 名工程師操作的實驗室,配備最新設備,可進行各種測試和分析。該實驗室不僅為CTC中心進行調查,還為外部客戶進行調查。一些實驗室是移動的,包括一輛汽車和兩名工程師,他們主要專注於跟踪和檢查樣品,並且一個非常強大的軟件包 (RCTC) 已擴展到每個 CTC 中心機構。

“The analyses are kept in a central database to monitor the quality of materials used in construction, especially concrete, which is the most common building material used in Algeria,” says Mr Cherif. The main technical qualities monitored are the solidity, stability and water resistance of the materials used.

培訓是 CTC 中心的主要重點,尤其是他們的工程師,他們不斷了解行業的最新發展。組織’ 的工程師和技術人員還必須遵守道德準則,該準則定義了在工作中維護的道德義務,例如透明度、責任感和忠誠度。

“We try to concentrate and catalyse all our building expertise and professional knowledge with regular internal training sessions. The CTC engineer is a reference in the industry. For building control work, there is no specific training; it is comes from experience in the field. So the professional development we do really is unique to the CTC Centre,” says Mr Cherif.






