
瀏覽數量: 204 作者: Gary S.Berman 發佈時間: 來源: wermac.org

Ⅰ.  鋼材設計與施工導論

Steel is a common building material used throughout the construction industry. Its primary purpose is to form a skeleton for the building or structure – essentially the part of the structure that holds everything up and together. Steel has many advantages when compared to other structural building materials such as concrete, timber, plastics and the newer composite materials. Steel is one of the friendliest environmental building materials – steel is 100% recyclable and in fact, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, steel is the most recycled material in the United States reducing the burden on today's landfills. Steel, unlike wood, does not warp or twist and does not substantially expand and contract with the weather. Unlike concrete, steel does not need time to cure and is immediately at full strength. Steel is versatile, has more strength with less weight, has an attractive appearance, can be erected in most weather conditions, is of uniform quality, has proven durability and has low life cycle costs. These advantages make steel the building material of choice.

鋼作為一種建築材料已經被研究和測試了很多年。可以說,我們比任何其他建築材料都更了解鋼的行為。鋼是一種可預測的材料,在 1990's 期間,該行業實施了新的鋼結構設計程序。結構設計已經發展,主要是由於地震引起的必要性。

鋼結構設計的演變使我們擺脫了結構越硬越好的理論。今天,靈活性和延展性是關鍵。直到 1970's,結構都是使用經過驗證的公式設計的,但計算是手工完成的。今天,使用 PC 上的軟件,您可以在一天之內設計出一個結構,而結構工程師可能需要幾個月的時間才能使用紙和鉛筆來完成。今天可用的新工具解決了一些舊問題並創造了一些新問題。鋼結構設計發展的關鍵要素之一是 CAD(計算機輔助設計)。起草的日子幾乎一去不復返了,在計算機中將結構數字化可以節省時間、確保質量並且通常會降低成本。然而,與所有創新一樣,技術也會產生一系列新問題。


答案在於從設計到安裝的整個過程、參與過程的參與方的數量和類型,以及適應變化的難易程度和速度。本章將介紹結構設計、製造和安裝的基礎知識,並將為 "非技術" 律師提供一個更好的框架,以幫助他們了解客戶's 的問題並提出更好的問題。

Ⅱ.  鋼鐵工藝——從設計到安裝

While the size and complexity of the project may drive and in some way change the process, the path of steel structural design and construction is predictable and proven. For the purposes of this chapter we will examine structural steel in the context of a building design requiring the services of an architect. However, there are many structures, constructed of steel, that do not require architectural input – these could include frames to mount equipment and machinery, offshore platforms, marine terminals, refineries, process plants and other non-aesthetic structures.

概念圖、示意圖和設計開發圖的製作是完成結構框架設計的重要前期活動。理論上,實現建築師的願景是結構工程師'的工作。雖然大多數建築師可以理解他們構想的結構設計的複雜性,但只有結構工程師才能判斷需要做什麼才能滿足建築師's 的要求。

After the architecture of the building is determined, the design of the framework – beams, columns, bracing etc. – proceeds with engineering calculations.

A. 工程

結構工程是應用科學和數學來設計結構。參考各種建築規範、美國鋼結構協會 (AISC) 的建議和規範,以及從對鋼結構進行的所有測試中得出的經驗數據,結構工程師了解並能夠充分預測鋼的行為。

在美國和其他一些國家,當"code" 一詞用於鋼結構設計" 和建築行業時,通常參考已發布的《鋼結構建築和橋樑標準實施規範》由 AISC 提供。 

該規範為結構工程師、細部設計人員、製造商和安裝人員提供了設計、細化、製造和安裝鋼材的框架。除了標準實踐守則,AlSC 還發布了關於標準實踐守則的評論,以幫助守則的用戶了解其條款的背景、基礎和意圖。它是為數不多的具有詳細解釋性評論的建築行業規範之一。

Besides the Code of Standard Practice, AISC publishes other codes that more specifically cover other aspects of steel design and construction. They include the Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts which also includes a commentary section, and the Manual of Steel Construction [which allow for two different design approaches to engineering steel – Allowable Stress Design and Load & Resistance Factor Design].


For clarity, one can categorize structural steel design of frameworks into three areas: main members, secondary members and connections. The structural engineering of main members may include beams, columns, trusses, and girders. Main members are the skeleton of the framework and are the primary members that carry the loads imparted on the structure. Simply, it is the part of the structure that holds things up. The structural engineering of secondary members may include bracing, stairs, and decking. Secondary structural elements are designed to carry specific loads. For example, a brace is added to provide extra support in the area of a load thereby reducing the size of a member or the moment at a connection. Connections are joints or nodes of structural elements used to transfer forces between structural elements or members.The structural engineering of connections ensures that at the point (node) where the structural members meet (connect), sufficient steel area exists to resist the cumulative stresses at that node – axial loads (compression and tension), bending moments, and torsional loadings (torque).

2. 次要成員設計
4. 工程計算

B. 細部
1. 高級物料清單
2. 安裝圖
3. 詳圖
4. 提交和批准

C. 製造

D. 安裝


關鍵詞: 鋼結構設計與施工

注:以上內容 來自搜索引擎搜索結果,可在此處免費下載https://www.wermac.org/pdf/steel2.pdf .如有侵權,請告知我們,我們將立即刪除。

資源:  https://www.steelconstruction.info/Design




