參觀工廠的 23 個理由

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A factory tour? Thanks but no. You're busy and have got better things to do than a factory tour – right?

If you're a client developing a new structure steel project, it really does pay to visit your potential suppliers personally and find out more about their products and the way they work – and whether they are right for your project.

Factory tours are one of the most valuable activities we undertake – and we're always encouraging our clients to do the same. You can visit our factory在線的在這裡,但我們強烈建議您親自參觀我們的工廠。

sand table of Union Steel Structure Material Co., Ltd. -UnionSSM聯合鋼構材料有限公司沙盤

以下是值得參觀工廠的 23 個理由:

1) You can find out how big the factory is – or if they are actually a factory at all – do not believe the rubbish they put on their Alibaba pages – it’s quite often false.

2) 您可以評估人員、  銷售人員、經理和工人的一般標準。

3) You can find out if the product you want to buy is really their “core business” or if it is a new product for them (or if they produce this product at all).

4) You can see if they really have any real process in place – such as checking their incoming supplies/raw materials. You would be amazed how many production disasters occur because suppliers do not even check/QC their own supplier’s materials.

5) 對於該供應商,您的訂單是否太大或太小?如果您的訂單太小,他們不會給予您想要的關注。如果太大,時間框架和質量可能會受到影響。


7) 您可以看到實際的生產運行質量,而不僅僅是樣品。這符合您要求的標準嗎?

8) 您可以看到供應商使用的標準包裝。他們包裝好物品嗎?您需要更好的包裝嗎?在從中國進口時,由於包裝不良而出現的問題比其他任何地方都多。

9)你可以從紙箱標記上看到他們真正供應的公司。他們真的是為他們聲稱的客戶做的嗎? (此外,您通常可以獲得有關他們在您的行業中提供誰的有趣信息。他們不會通過電子郵件或電話告訴您的信息)。

10) You can actually build a relationship with them – we once had a customer who went skinny dipping with the factory boss. A weird experience yes, but the factory boss was never going to forget who this customer was! This means your requests are sorted out faster in the future. You can get to the front of the queue.


12) 面對面並用正確的問題武裝起來,他們’更有可能告訴你真相而不是當面撒謊。在電子郵件中謊稱他們的證書有多真實比看著別人的眼睛撒謊要容易得多!

13) Just like a restaurant, you do not go to one where they are not making food for anyone. If all the tables are empty, you smell a rat, same with factories. If no one is on the production line, workers have gone home or “Tuesday is our day off” – run a mile. (There can be exceptions to this rule, as some manufacturers have legitimately seasonal business).

14) 工人有製服嗎?他們有籃球場嗎?住的宿舍好嗎?還是工人是本地/臨時工/農民?

15) 就像釣魚一樣,要獲得最優惠的價格,您需要給他們足夠的誘餌。去工廠向他們表明你是認真的、高價值的前景和良好的潛在銷售。您總是可以面對面獲得更好的價格。

16) 這些人從一開始就容易做生意還是很難做生意?例如,有些老闆很簡單、直率、願意,只想得到生意並做好工作。其他人只是玩遊戲,這只是艱苦的工作,那是在你給他們錢之前。如果是這樣的話,在你給他們錢之後會更難!

17) 您可以了解他們在這個行業/行業工作了多長時間。他們的工廠是 2 年還是 15 年? 15年的經驗帶來了巨大的變化。還是他們經營了 15 年,但兩年前才開辦了自己的工廠?

18) 他們是行業的領導者還是追隨者?一些工廠正在開發自己的機器,以提高效率。其他人則使用 1920 年代的機器。

19) 他們有內部實驗室嗎?他們是否使用這些實驗室來測試進來的原材料?還是他們沒有辦法檢查他們購買的原材料?

20) 他們有存貨嗎? (即他們的財務狀況是否強大?)。還是工廠沒有庫存/原材料供應,需要您的存款才能繼續前進,將一些材料貼在手推車的後面,以便他們開始生產?

21) 他們是否投資過企業?工廠有地板,還是灰塵?他們的辦公室有暖氣嗎?或者工作人員在雞棚裡嗎?也許對於某些產品和所需的定價,這並不重要!這取決於你的情況。


23) 有員工食堂嗎?按照中國的標準,它是一家適合工作的好公司嗎?或者這是一個由 5 個稻田外的村子裡的狡猾的銷售員/牛仔/胭脂商人經營的農民工廠?

要點:重要的不僅僅是參觀工廠。擁有訓練有素的眼光和經驗來提出正確的問題很重要。這樣可以確保您更好地了解供應商’s 的能力。

Also, different suppliers are suitable to different customers. Perhaps you can accept lower quality, because you require cheaper pricing. Maybe you do not need a factory with any bells and whistles, quality processes or nice staff canteens – as price is the number 1 factor in your market.




