金屬建築製造商協會 (MBMA) 發布了新指南 常見的行業慣例.此免費出版物可供下載 這裡,為參與金屬建築設計和施工的建築師、工程師、業主、建築商和製造商提供標準實踐概述。
“The metal building industry has developed a set of standard practices over time that have become traditional in the building process,” says Tony Bouquot, MBMA general manager. “It’s important for everyone who works with a metal building to understand what these practices are and determine what their role should be. MBMA’s new guide is a good place to start when someone is looking to purchase or construct a metal building.”
通用行業慣例 也可用作一般清單,以協助準備管理金屬建築設計和施工過程的必要文件。該指南由以下九個部分組成: